
Gloria's white hair makes her look really tan

So, If you know me really well you know that I'm weirdly scared of the dentist. I'm not usually nervous for cleanings...but today I was. I hadn't gotten my teeth cleaned in a year. I usually go every 6 months. So when I got there they were still out to lunch. I sat down patiently outside the office waiting for them to come. I was sitting there less than 10 minutes. My heart started to race, my leg started to shake, and I had to sudden urge to run. They opened the doors right at 2. Gloria welcomed me in as always. Calling me by name, then saying there's our redhead. I've been coming to the same dentist since I was 10 you think I'd not be so nervous. They called me back and as I was sitting there I started to cry! That's right, I Michelle M. Ahern at the age of 24 3/4 started to cry at the dentist office FOR A CLEANING! It wasn't a full on cry, but the tears were welling. Sometimes I'm a little ridiculous.


Unused Account said...

Dude. The dentist is crazy scary. Cry away!

Emily and Clay said...

I hope everything went well. You shouldn't worry too much, you don't ever have cavities right?

There is a demolition durby this weekend, interested?

"All you need is love" said...

I appreciate your tears...no shame. For me it is getting my blood taken. What I am more impressed about is the fact that you go every six months, is it free for you? our little family: the cheapy mc'cheapersons have only accumulated 2 visits in the last five years. All they say is brush and floss, I do miss the free toothbrush.

It's Me...shell said...

It's free for me. I'm still on my parents dental plan. but not for long. I will miss my clean teeth. sigh. Emily I wish I could go to the durby that'd be hilarious! we're going camping and helping people move. you guys need to come up here

Heather said...

wait...tan gloria is at my office too! Do you go to Dr. Craven?