
The Station I Love Most

Here's the deal... I have an addiction. I'm addicted to the sweet sweet love of The Food Network. I don't have TV, and even when I did I didn't have anything but basic cable. Tron not only has TV, but Cable. And I have fallen in love with the Food Network joy. I love Everyday Italian it's so simple and looks so delicious. Plus who doesn't love some Giada? No one that's who. Rachel Ray 30 minute meals is great! She's kind of annoying, but at least she looks like she actually eats her food. But my all time favorite show has to be Ace of Cakes. It's fantastic! Maybe my love for it comes from wanting to be a cake decorator while watching reading rainbow. Or perhaps it came from the fact that they make some crazy cool cakes. It's a mystery. I don't get to cook a lot, but I like to. So, I watch and get hungry. It's a beautiful relationship.


Anne W said...

The thing is, Ace of Cakes IS the best show on the Food Network. I want to do that. Seriously, if I could do anything in this world it would be making freaking awesome cakes.Hands down.

It's Me...shell said...

Agreed! It really is amazing!

Emily and Clay said...

I love TLC (while we had it). I just cut my cable to basic, and our Friday/Saturday nights were watching Flip That House or Property Ladder. I love those shows~

Taylor said...

sounds like a bad idea. the more you watch, the hungrier you get, the hungrier you get, the more you watch... soon you're starved to death and shriveled up like a little raisin on the couch.