
The Love Hate Relationship I Have With Winter

(Photo taken by my oh so talented Husband Tron)

I'm just going to lay this on the table, I don't really like winter. It's my least favorite season. I think I might like it better if snow were warm. Anyhow, I'm straying from my point. I don't like it, but I was just watching FRIENDS like I always do as I'm falling asleep, and the episode of Pheobe's wedding was on. I don't know if any of you know this episode, but there's a huge blizzard and She gets married in the snow on the street. It got me thinking of the things I do love about winter and snow. I love blizzards (as long as I don't have to go anywhere.) I love the sound of snow falling. I love feeling like there's no where to go, just cuddling up, and watching it fall. There's something comforting, cozy, romantic, and kinda magical. I realize that sounds totally cheesy, but it's true. Just thinking about it makes me wish there was a huge snow storm. And Tron didn't have to go to school, neither of us could go to work, so we could just chill at home, watch movies and drink hot chocolate. But I think my all time favorite thing about snow/winter is at night. I love the calm silence there is and the purple hue that the night's sky has. That purple hue makes Winter worth having for me. So there it is my ode to Winter. Even though I usually hate you, I enjoy your familiar feel.


Emily and Clay said...

I enjoy a good snow. I don't love driving in it, because lets face it, people in Utah can't drive when there is NOTHING on the road, let alone snow.

Anywho--I love the crisp air out, but I hate that the bottom of my pants (which for some reason are always too long :))always get wet.

"All you need is love" said...

Michelle get the heck out of L-town before you go crazy! The winter there is insane. How long have you lived there? 4 years of my life in that cold wasteland. The Fall is delightful however, nice place to visit.

1382 said...

You make it difficult to go to work and school.

Brookie P. said...

So... I too am a blog stalker... Enough that I am adding you to my list! Hope you don't care! You look great! I am glad that life is going so well for you!

Erin said...

I agree! I can enjoy the snow if i don't have to go anywhere. Good luck in Logan this winter. I lived there for four years and those winters were awesome. (hint of sarcasm?)