
Projects 5 and 6!

So, lately it seems all I've been doing is sewing and watching crappy TV. (which I am addicted to. Whoops) But as of late it seems like I've only been sewing for other people. It's Halloween time and that means I sew people's costumes for them. Which I really do love doing. I just think it's nice to sew for myself once in a while. Which is why when I found the wallet I've been looking for (minus the fact that it was boring looking) this evening, I bought it and embellished it right away. I forgot the get the before picture, but I'm sure you can picture it. it was just plain. Anyway, I just cut out this lovely bird slapped it on and stitched. I think it turned out way cute! FYI hand sewing through leather kinda hurts, just in case you were wondering.

Also, as you all know I was working on the crib bedding making it actually unisex. I cut out the circles, fray checked them, and ironed them on. I sewed around most of them when I realized I didn't like the way it was looking, so I unpicked them all. ha ha ha whoops. But I think they look good without the stitching or any embellishments. Anyhow, here's the before and after.




Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

Super Cute Michelle. I would totally be paying you for costume making if I was there...you are so good!!!

Hoenes Family said...

Very impressive! You are the woman. That is fun you get to sew Halloween costumes for people!

Cassia said...

Jeez! You are amazing!! Good freakin work! I love the bird wallet especially!

Kacey Haffner-Bruce said...

Hi.. Friend of Shelby Castleton.here. I salute you for your sewing skills of the pink dots!! and being uber preggo!!

oralia said...

that wallet! i want...