
I'm tryin out the picture thing

I realize it's kinda random that I've decided to do a post all about me. At least right now. I mean here's the deal I probably should have done this for my first post...but here I go.

I'm 24

My Birthday is July 4th 1983

I'll be 25 soon

I'm in love with a fine young man named Tron

I have a new goal to ride my bike as much as possible

I have a weird but huge fear of three things:



Eternity (not snakes)

My favorite colors are Royal Blue, Dark Teal, and Hot Pink

I'm losing interest in hot pink though

My favorite numbers are as follows (in order of like):

I love to sew and it's one of my only talents...maybe my only talent period

I have a weird obsession with Doritos. I can and have eaten a whole bag in one sitting. Sick and sad I know, but true.

What else...
I'm a vegetarian and have been for many many years

I have a weird love for imperfections

I just bought a beautiful new bike that Tron thinks is ugly. I 'll have picture up of it later.

It's been brought to my attention lately of how much of a girly girl I am not. I don't like embroidered anything especially clothing. I don't like beading or sparkles. I'm just not super fancy I guess you could say

I do however LOVE shoes

I love the chipmunk on enchanted...mostly when he says "it's good" I can't stop laughing...Tron tries not to laugh when I say it because he's trying to rebel.

I'm weirdly good at catching things

I have amazing luck at finding cheap places to live for me and others

My whole family and I sing the happy birthday song in off key opera style

and I have to go finish my mom's mother's day gift

I guess those are some random facts about me.

Love Me


"All you need is love" said...

The Muppets! I love the muppets (excluding the headless ones that Jim Hensen made for the Laybryth). Didds on the needles and strangely agreed on the eternity thing...It's fun to see a pic of Tron, you guys look good together and Kali said he is so great, hope to see ya together sometime. love the post.

It's Me...shell said...

Yes, the muppets... They give me a weird feeling. I can watch cartoons and the ones on sesame street. The others though I'm gone. I hate it. Eternity can be really scary if you think about it for a long time. I used to get really scared as a child about it. I thought of weird things like that when I was little. Tron is great! we should all get together this summer so you can meet him. I like that kali likes him.

Emily and Clay said...

Hey! I loved this little post, my first glimpse of Tron. So, when you are down next, let us know. We would love to hang out. I know we have said that a number of times, but for some wierd reason, YOU DON'T CALL. Maybe you are too cool.....JK we would love to see you!

Blaine said...

I've said it once, and I'll say it again. We love Tron. (I hope he's not creeped out by how much we love him). He is definitely my favorite of all the boys you have dates. Kudos to you.

I love the fun facts about Michelle - most, I knew about you already, if not all. Good for me.

Lyn-Z (in da house)

It's Me...shell said...

He's not creeped out and I like him best too. I'm glad that everyone loves him so much. We all have that in common. Em I do call it's just too late. we need to just make plans and we'll be there. call me or text me and we'll make the plans.